Friday 19 January 2018

Happy New Year - 2018

Happy New Year!
Hope you've enjoyed your holidays and are to a good start of the year.

I've made myself a new journal for 2018 and included my word of the year onto the cover. I've chosen the word Magic this year. I wish to invite more magical encounters into my life this year, out of the ordinary (where our limiting belief are not accustom to), the supernatural, connecting to my guides again as well as feeling magical in everyday little things, like watching flowers, the bees and feeling that high vibe joy. I've put so much energy into my work and growing my little business, which I do enjoy by the way, I've spent less time connecting with presence and nature.

So 2018 will be the year for magical encounters, truly being present with everything around me.

I got this beautiful postcard which I loved so much and kind of what my word represents - Magic, out of the ordinary. Hares riding on flying Tui birds catching carrots in the starry sky! It doesn't get any more magical than that! I love it! Art is by Nick Eggleton.

I've started making journals again, to fill up my Etsy shop.

I've completed six so far, still more to bind before I can list them up in the shop.

Meanwhile in the garden, this little echinacea finally bloomed. I've sown from seed in 2015, it grew and then "died" (or so I thought) in 2016 and then suddenly reappeared again last year. It's small and spindly but it bloomed!
Now that's magic! :)

I'm also growing some feijoa trees and they are bearing fruits, pretty exciting! I do love feijoas and look forward to picking them and eating straight from our own little tree.

Have a wonderful 2018 to you! May your year be filled with happy magical moments as well!


  1. Good post and pictures. Thanks, and to you too.
    I like the word magic, and hope that there'll be lots of it on the plot this year.
    Thanks again, and for you too. xx

    1. Thanks Flighty. I hope I'll have lots of magic in all areas of life :)


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